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Town Council - current term 2022 to 2026


l-r: Aaron Burchat, Adam Bureau, Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty, Mayor Lucas Cleveland, Randy Barber, Miriam Mutton, Brian Darling

Compensation for Council positions as of January 1, 2025:

Mayor $54,007 + $21,693 as County Councillor
Deputy Mayor $36,965
Councillor  $31,868

These are adjusted annually for CPI on July 1.  There is additional compensation for a few assigned committees (GRCA, Holdco) and the Mayor gets extra for being on the County Council.  In addtion to salary, Councillors get re-imbursed for expenses.

Contact Information
Name E-Mail Phone
Lucas Cleveland This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Office: 905 372-4301 Ext 4000  Cell: 289 251-4193
Nicole Beatty This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cell: 905 269-5637
Adam Bureau This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cell: 905 207-3370
Brian Darling This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cell: 289 251-2177
Aaron Burchat This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cell: 905 375-3535
Miriam Mutton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cell: 905-269-1560
Randy Barber This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cell: 905-207-4940

Council Meetings are held on a monthly cycle with Council meetings generally on the last Wednesday of the month.  In addition there are Standing committee meetings nearer the begining of the month. See this page for a description of Governance and this page for the schedule of the meetings.  See the same page for information on how to access the Council's agenda and streaming video.

Councillor Assignments

Assignment to attend and serve on Standing Committee meetings replaces the way Council was previously organized with Coordinators. With the new structure, two councillors are assigned to each committee (with one exception) - in addition to the Mayor who attends all meetings. Note that with three members on each committee, the quorum is two.

Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee 
Committee Members: All councillors including Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty (chair) and Mayor Lucas Cleveland. 

Corporate, Finance and Legislative Standing Committee
Committee Members: Councillor Randy Barber - chair, Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty and Mayor Lucas Cleveland.

Public Works, Planning and Development Standing Committee
Committee Members: Councillor Brian Darling - chair, Councillor Miriam Mutton and Mayor Lucas Cleveland.

Community Services, Protection, and Economic Development Standing Committee
Committee Members: Councillor Aaron Burchat - chair, Councillor Adam Bureau and Mayor Lucas Cleveland.

For meeting dates, see this page
For a description of the Governance structure effective 1 January 2024, go to this page.

Contact the Town


Town of Cobourg Municipal Offices: Victoria Hall, 55 King Street West, Cobourg, ON K9A 2M2
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Main Phone: (905) 372-4301 Toll Free: 1-888-972-4301 Main Fax: (905) 372-7558
Customer Service: (905) 377-8696
Tourism/Community Development: 1-888-262-6874
Cobourg Community Centre: 1-888-972-7371
Concert Hall: 1-855-372-2210

For Town Administrators and Managers see this page.

Town News

For News, unfortunately the Town relies heavily on Social Media although there are 2 newsletters.

Newsletters available for subscription:

Town Newsletters

Social Media Sites

Town Mayor Lucas Cleveland

Current Town Notices


Information on how taxes are calculated and how much you can expect to pay.  Go here.

Parking in Cobourg

  • Where to park in Cobourg and how much it will cost you.  Rates and map here. Updated and effective 12 April, 2023.


Dual service - Limited fixed route plus on-demand.  Details here.

Events Calendars

Town of Cobourg - Strategic Plan

Municipal Voting

Voting for council occurs every 4 years in October. The next vote will be in 2026.  Details on the election process and recent results are here.  

For more on other local political elections, go to this section of this site.


The population of Cobourg and other Municipalities in Northumberland as of 2021.

Brighton 12,108
Trent Hills 13,861
Cobourg 20,519
Cramahe 6,509
Port Hope 17,294
Hamilton 11,059
Alnwick/Haldimand 7,473
Total Northumberland 88,823

More Statistics here.

Northumberland County

A number of Municipal government functions are handled by the County. These include:

  • Garbage management – including pickup of “wet” garbage, “dry” (recyclable) garbage and Yard Waste.  (More on Yard waste pickup here)
  • Social services – that is, welfare, subsidized housing, the Golden Plough Lodge - a long term care home - details on new one here.
  • Ambulance Services
  • Planning for some municipalities (not Cobourg)
  • County Roads and Bridges
  • County Economic Development and Tourism
  • Archives

For more about the County Council including who are the councillors, go here.

Advisory Committees

There are two citizen committees set up to advise Council on Heritage and Accessibility.  A recent Governance review drastically changed the number of committees. This page lists them.

By-Law Guide

In 2018, the Town published a plain-language By-Law Guide.  It's not available online on the Town's web site but is available at this page.  Currently the Town's web site only has access to a limited number of By-Laws.

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