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Information on meetings held to collect feedback from residents.

There is a page on the Town’s web site that lists all Public Meetings.  Go here. Well, it's supposed to be all meetings but many are missing.

Give up?  Most "Public Meetings" are Planning and Development meetings anyway - see next section

Public Meetings - Planning and Development

Public Meetings for Planning and development are often listed on the "Development Dashboard" which can be accessed here.

But this is not always up to date.

Where available, notices of Public meetings for the Town are listed below.  That is, it's a list of meetings as advised by Public Notices - some meetings are aimed at only nearby residents.


Town of Cobourg Public Meetings

Public Planning Meeting re re-zoning of 117 Durham st.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 5:00 pm in the Council Chambers.

117 Durham street is a large property previously owned by the School board but bought by the Town with the intent of opening it up (reselling it) for affordable housing. See Cobourg blog report hereInitial report in Sept 2022 here.  Includes map showing location

The Zoning By-law Amendment Application proposes to introduce residential uses to the subject lands to provide guidance for future development proposals. The zone will place emphasis on medium and high density residential uses to facilitate a mix of housing types. Any future development will be subject to additional Planning Act approvals to implement the proposal.


See this page for Surveys.

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